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Many people today are very conscientious of their smile, their teeth, and most importantly their breath. Some people will habitually chew gum or pop mints to try to manage the problem, but that may not always be where the issue is coming from. 

Bacteria in your mouth is a major culprit of bad breath, but let’s also look at any additional and underlying causes that may contribute to it.


This first logical answer is to make sure you are removing any food particles in and around your teeth. Brushing and flossing after meals have been drilled into us since childhood and while most kids are apt to do it more often, many adults are reducing it to morning and bedtime. It’s rare that you see other adults carrying around a toothbrush during the workday. While it can feel silly, I assure you, it is a smart step in your dental health. Flossers are an easy way to help in between meals to remove any larger particles that have wedged between your teeth, but it is a temporary carry-over until you can really get in and brush your teeth, paying extra attention to the gumline. 

Drink more water. While it’s a fantastic addition to your diet and will make sure that your body stays hydrated, it is also a way to help move any food out of your mouth that may otherwise hang around. Even a quick swish and spit after meals is another way to help keep your mouth clean, and you don’t have to carry anything extra with you.

Health Conditions

Do you have recurrent sinus infections that may be contributing to your bad breath? Many times the bacteria in your mouth and nose can be what is causing odors. We recommend seeing your doctor and identifying if there are infections that are the underlying cause. An overgrowth of bacteria is usually the most common cause, which also contributes to gum disease, cavities, and other more severe mouth issues. 

Start with looking at your diet to see if it may contribute to your breath. You should think about reducing your sugar consumption! Sugar is known to cause cavities, and in addition to that, it will alter the ph level in your mouth… which can contribute to your breath as well! Your mouth and body are an ecosystem that needs to stay balanced so that everything can thrive as it’s supposed to. 


We all know of smoking and chewing tobacco as being a major contributor to your bad breath, so if that is the case, speak to your doctor to see how he can help you quit. Other habits that influence our breath that is not as well known are things like breathing from your mouth, high blood sugar and drinking a lot of alcohol. Drinking? Yes, many times, people don’t realize that drinking can affect your breath since it alters your metabolism, as well as dries out your mouth. A dry mouth is more susceptible to bacteria because they usually present saliva and keeps it under control. 

The most common forms of bad breath are very manageable, and we can definitely help you to identify the steps you can take to manage and even eliminate your breath issues. Come speak with our professionals today.