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Having a crown fitted in a single visit is a very convenient option for busy individuals. It allows you to go to a dentist’s practice and walk out with your smile fully restored.

At TLC Dental, in the heart of Sydney’s CBD, we have invested in some of the latest dental technology to provide you with the healthiest smile possible. One such investment is the addition of CEREC same-day crowns. The main advantage of same-day CEREC crowns is time-saving and convenience. There are other advantages that have made this procedure very popular, but also there are a few disadvantages to consider.

Benefits of CEREC Crowns

The Function of your Teeth is Restored Immediately

Your teeth affect your smile, as well as how you eat and speak. If you have to wear temporary crowns while you wait for the remote dental lab to make the permanent crowns, you have to be very careful when eating. A bite in the wrong place or some slightly sticky food might pop off the crown, and you’re left with a tender tooth. This is never the case with same-day crowns.

Prevents Injury to the Tooth

With traditional crowns, you’ll wear a temporary crown for a few days or maybe longer than a week. The temporary crown does not always fit precisely in your mouth and there is a chance it can come loose. This leaves the tooth structure open to potential injury, not to mention it will be sensitive to heat and cold.. Same-day CEREC crowns reduce the risk of injury by giving you a crown that fits in one visit.

Saves you Money and Time

Extra appointments and temporary crowns all cost time and money. Since you’re only going to be at our office one time, it helps to keep costs down, saving you money. In addition, one less appointment means less time off work.


Temporary crowns are made from resin, and they are rarely an exact fit, which could make them a little uncomfortable. Because CEREC crowns are made of ceramic and fit perfectly, they’ll feel comfortable and you won’t notice any bite issues.

Helps to Prevent Decay

If a temporary crown comes off, there is a chance that your tooth is susceptible to decay and plaque. With CEREC crowns, the permanent crown is permanently glued onto your tooth with an airtight seal, reducing the chances of decay to your tooth.

Disadvantages of CEREC Crowns


Porcelain fused to a metal crown is stronger than a block of ceramic. The CEREC technology uses a block of ceramic to create your customized crown. A traditional crown consists of porcelain, ceramic, metal, or porcelain that is fused to metal, which makes it very strong and more resistant to fracture or wear and tear. A CEREC crown is also very strong and durable, and given the right care will last for many years.

Tooth Breaks Below the Gum Line

CEREC crowns can’t be used on some types of broken teeth such as those broken below the gum line, so these cases will require treatment with a traditional crown.

Schedule a Free Smile Assessment

If you are a busy person, multiple visits to a dentist for a dental crown are the last thing you want. Same-day CEREC crowns are a very popular treatment option. For a free smile assessment, please call our friendly office, and we’ll schedule you in for an appointment.