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(02) 8599 7107

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TLC Dental Provides Dental Implants All Cross Sydney, NSW

Are you looking for a reliable and experienced dental clinic that offers dental implants in Sydney, NSW? With our state-of-the-art facility located at Level 2, 74 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, TLC Dental is dedicated to providing exceptional dental care to patients throughout the Sydney area.

Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for missing teeth, offering a permanent and natural-looking replacement. The team at TLC Dental understands the importance of a complete and healthy smile, which is why they specialize in dental implant procedures. Their skilled and experienced dental professionals utilize the latest advancements in implant dentistry to deliver outstanding results.

The dental implant process at TLC Dental begins with a thorough evaluation of your gums and jawbone to ensure they are strong enough to support the implant. If necessary, Dr. Hoffenberg, the leading dentist at TLC Dental, may recommend treatments to strengthen your jaw and gums before proceeding with the implant surgery.

During the implant placement procedure, Dr. Hoffenberg provides local anesthesia to ensure your comfort. The titanium implant is surgically placed into your jawbone, acting as a sturdy foundation for the artificial tooth. After a healing period of a few months, during which your gums and jawbone bond with the implant, a custom-made artificial tooth is securely attached to complete your smile.

One of the significant benefits of dental implants is their longevity. With proper care and regular dental check-ups, dental implants can last up to 25 years or even longer. TLC Dental emphasizes the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene habits to ensure the long-term success of your implants. Patients can care for their implants just like their natural teeth, brushing and flossing twice a day and visiting the dental clinic for professional cleanings every six months.

TLC Dental is committed to providing a comfortable and positive experience for their patients. Their family-friendly office prioritizes treating patients with compassion, care, and respect. The team at TLC Dental takes the time to understand each patient’s unique needs and concerns, ensuring that they receive personalized attention and the highest quality of care.

If you have lost a tooth and are considering dental implants in Sydney, NSW, TLC Dental is here to help. Their experienced team will guide you through the implant process, answer any questions you may have, and work with you to achieve a brilliant and complete smile.

Don’t let missing teeth hold you back any longer. Contact TLC Dental today at (02) 8599 7107 to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards restoring your smile and confidence with dental implants.

TLC Dental

Level 2/74 Castlereagh St, Sydney NSW 2000

(02) 8599 7107