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(02) 8599 7107

Does Invisalign Protect Your Teeth From Being Knocked Out?

You’ve probably heard of Invisalign – the clear, removable aligners that have revolutionized orthodontics. They’re discreet and comfortable, and they can straighten or fix your misaligned teeth without the hassle of metal braces. But in addition to...


Concerns: This patient wanted to improve her smile, but she did not want to wear unsightly fixed braces. She had heard of removable invisible braces and wanted to explore this option. Solutions: We were able to do Invisalign Lite treatment which took only just over 4...

Porcelain and Ceramic Veneers

Concerns: Emma hated the way her right canine protruded so much. This was made worse by the indented position of the teeth on either side of this tooth. She coped by slanting her smile to cover these teeth Solutions / Work Performed Solutions: She did not want...

Porcelain and Ceramic Veneers

Concerns: This patient has a very deep bite. His teeth had become very thin and pieces were chipping off. His teeth were also full of old discolored fillings that were breaking. He was in real danger of losing one or more of his four front teeth Solutions: The old...


Concerns: This patient hated her smile, especially the `pushed back` second from front tooth and the fact that you only really saw her 2 front central teeth when she smiled because her upper arch was too narrow. Solutions: We did Invisalign. We brought her `pushed...